Online Training Coming Soon

Feel Confident & Ready to Deliver Engaging Presentations By Using Influential Storytelling

When you’re crippled in fear when speaking in front of people or have a tough time remembering what to say… tap into the power of storytelling!

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- Coming on June 25 (Tue) -

Learn the single most powerful speaking technique that allows you to engage people consistently and become highly persuasive without coming across as trying ‘too hard!’

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Through Influential Storytelling, You Can:

You’ll Be Able to Get Past People’s Doubts Such As:

“I doubt that he knows what he is saying”
“I don’t think that he knows his facts”
“I don’t believe what she said”

Facts Tell, Stories Sell!


You may have heard before that “Facts tell, stories sell!” But what does that mean?


That means… instead of sharing facts or dry information, share it as a story!

What’s So Great About Stories?
Our Brains Are Wired To Be Naturally
To Stories…

Through An Online Training Called ‘Influential Storytelling’, You’ll Master Effective Stage Storytelling Based on Darren’s Personal Experience:

Darren was a very shy 14-year-old introvert who overcame many personal obstacles and mastered the technique of sharing engaging and compelling stories.

His stage storytelling at the World Champion of Public Speaking gained nearly 1.5 million video views and 10,200 shares on social media.

More About Darren Tay

Since 2009, Darren has trained hundreds of kids and adults around the world to develop their speaking confidence and voice so that they can create new opportunities that were never possible.

Darren believes that:

“In life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you communicate.”

He too struggled with speaking confidently. At 14 years old, he avoided presenting and speaking in class as he was afraid that his classmates would laugh at him. 13 years later, at age 27, he overcame his worst fears and was able to stand on stage in front of a crowded auditorium.

Despite being a law graduate, Darren has chosen to inspire and empower others. To help others, who were once in his shoes.

What is Different About the ‘‘Influential Storytelling’ Online Training?