Speaking in front of a crowd can be scary.
You can’t control your heart from racing and your palms begin to sweat.
Panic sets in and the anxiety just consumes you.
Public speaking anxiety is a common challenge.
In fact, around 74% of people carry this type of anxiety their whole lives.
It might never go away but there is a simple technique that can help you handle it better.
And public speaking pro, Darren, has just the right video for you!
Darren Tay is Southeast Asia’s first Public Speaking World Champion.
In the video, Darren shares all about the 4-7-8 breathing technique.
Let’s break down his insights and learn how to apply this powerful technique.

Understanding Anxiety: It’s Not About Elimination
Darren starts by addressing a common misconception most people have about anxiety:
“When it comes to overcoming anxiety, it’s not really about trying to get rid of it.”
Because– just like joy, fear, sadness— anxiety is a universal human emotion.
It is and will always be part of our lives.
The goal isn’t to eliminate it completely but to change our relationship with it.

What is the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique?
The 4-7-8 breathing technique is an effective breathing exercise designed to calm your mind and body.
Here’s how it goes:
Step 1. Breathe in for 4 seconds.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, and count to four.
Focus on the sensation of the cool air filling your lungs and your chest rising with it.
Step 2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
Once your lungs are full, hold your breath for 7 counts.
This allows for oxygen to circulate throughout your body, promoting a sense of calm.
Step 3. Exhale for 8 seconds.
Slowly exhale through your mouth for eight seconds.
Allow your body to relax completely.
Feel the tension release as you breathe out.
That is one full cycle.
Do this for 4 cycles and you’ll feel much calmer and focused.

Why the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique Works
When you breathe deeply and slowly, you activate your parasympathetic nervous system.
This system is responsible for your body’s rest and digestive functions.
This counters the adrenaline-driven fight-or-flight response that triggers anxiety.
By practising the 4-7-8 breathing technique. . .
You can train your body to respond to stressful situations with calmness rather than panic.
Maintain a Calm and Composed Mind Even Outside of Public Speaking Situations
Anxiety is a natural emotion, but it doesn’t have to control you.
With the 4-7-8 breathing technique, you can learn to manage your anxiety and take the stage with confidence.
While excellent for public speaking anxiety, this technique is versatile!
It can be used for any general anxiety you may encounter.
Whether you’re walking into a high-stakes meeting or waiting for a critical phone call.
You can do it any way you like too– seated, standing up, or even lying down.
By changing your relationship with anxiety, you can turn it from a hindrance into a tool for better performance.
If you’d like to watch Darren’s full video, you can watch it below.